
“I have known Julie as a practitioner for over 8 years, and she has worked with all three of my children (who have needed varying degrees of intervention due to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder). Julie is not only a fun, creative, and engaging OT but also an intelligent problem solver. She has developed targeted treatment plans for my childrens' delays AND educated me so that I can understand and parent them better. I cannot recommend her more highly.”

— Shannon

 What People Are Saying

“I’m literally teary reading over this evaluation because of the time you have put in and how thankful I am for you and your precious time spent with my baby. You know him. You believe in him. You are so thorough and so knowledgable. I feel so secure having him in your hands. I cannot thank you enough for the time you have spent to do this for us. We ADORE you and I can’t thank you enough.”

— Robyne

“We had a milestone moment when all of Levi’s OT work translated into being able to unbuckle his carseat. He was so proud and so was I. The frustration of being stuck, waiting for mom after his brothers’ got out of the car, was over! We had to celebrate! It’s the little moments that make such a huge difference. Thank you Julie! ”

— Erin H.

“First two days of summer break and the “where is your energy” picture and the sensory activities list to the rescue. Thank you for the communication tools you’ve given us! Definitely promoting peace and centeredness here.”

— Alicia